Why Affordable Housing is at Crisis Levels on Vashon
Our Work
Our goal is to DOUBLE affordable housing on Vashon by 2035!
Vashon costs a lot and incomes do not match!
16% of Vashon households earn $40,000 or less annually.
28% of Islanders spend over 30% of their income on housing.
Only 17% of housing units are rentals on Vashon, compared to 44% in King County and 56% in Seattle.
Housing costs have vastly accelerated!
No affordable housing projects were initiated from 2017 to 2022.
Average home values have doubled from $421,506 in 2014 to $857,727 in 2024.
Over 25 homes have sold for more than $2,000,000 since 2019.
Your Vashon friends and neighbors have likely not told you how serious it is!
27% of Vashon residents are over 65 and living on fixed incomes.
50% of employees are rent-burdened, paying over 35% of their income on housing.
57% of employees are interested in employer-supported housing.
54% of employees earn less than $72,000/year; 7% earn less than $33,000/year.
People need help!
Over 200 households are on the waiting list for the 88 available units.
147 people are homeless on Vashon, according to the 2024 census.
350 (25%) VISD students come from low-income families.
1 in 7 households rely on the VMI Food Bank.
VHH is ready and eager to do more!
VHH manages 126 housing units with 40 more under construction.
Goal: Build at least 150 more affordable units in the next decade.
Over 20% of VHH’s support comes from individual donors and philanthropic gifts, and more should be available!!!!!
And YOU can be part of the solution!