Our Work


Our Work

In the face of sky-rocketing home costs and high-priced rentals, affordable housing enables teachers, trades people, business owners, artists, seniors, and others to remain in their own community. Since 1987, Vashon HouseHold has renovated old rental units, built single-family homes, provided rental assistance, established neighborhoods, and constructed new apartments. We have helped hundreds of Islanders remain in the community. We provide beautiful, livable homes while working to preserve our environment and the integrity of our neighborhoods.

Donation Needs for Island Center Homes

Thank you for your interest in supporting Island Center Homes through the donation of household items. Click below to see what our current needs are and fill out a form to let us know what you have to offer. A team member will reach out to follow-up regarding your offer. If you have any questions please email vhh@vashonhousehold.org or call us at (206) 463-4880.

Next Up: Island Center Homes


Vashon Household’s newest project is Island Center Homes, located on the corner of Vashon Highway and 188th St SW. The planned opening for this development is late 2024.

This project is designed for financially challenged residents. Each of the five homes consists of eight single occupancy suites complete with an individual bath and residents share the kitchen, laundry, and common area.

The sustainable project has some noteworthy features including a community garden, storage for bikes, and a cistern for rainwater harvesting.