to attend the
Vashon Housing Forum
Our Mission
The mission of Vashon Household is to develop and steward affordable housing for low- and moderate-income Island residents in partnership with our community and an integrated network of social support organizations.
How you can help:
Donate - Public funding helps but doesn't fully cover what we do. Support your friends, your neighbors, your teachers and healthcare workers that make Vashon such a great community!
Sell your home to a CLT - Selling or bequeathing your home to a Community Land Trust like Vashon Household below market value ensures it will stay affordable housing forever. It’s a legacy that gives back to the island for generations.
Share your home - Vashon Household has developed a Home Share program modeled after successful programs in Tacoma and Olympia. This program matches those in need of housing with those that have extra space in their homes.
Host a party for VHH - Invite your friends and neighbors. We'll show up and lead a discussion about how people can support affordable housing in this community!
Volunteer - Help us care for our properties with gardening, cleaning, and home repair. Support residents with legal aid, support services and wellness services.
Stay in touch - Sign up for our newsletter (or encourage friends and neighbors to sign up) to keep up on news from Vashon Household. Follow/friend us on Facebook and Instagram, join in the dialog and share the news!
Bust the myths - VHH prioritizes island residents for housing. VHH is shifting to serve folks who need workforce housing. Affordable housing is not “slum” housing. Affordable housing does not drive down property values. It drives up the cohesion and long-term viability of the community.
Be vocal - Say "yes in my backyard" when affordable housing is being considered. Advocate for more housing and services with elected officials at the county, state, and federal level.